

When we told people we were packing up our suburban life near Baton Rouge, Louisiana and moving to Woodville, Mississippi, we were met with blank stares, puzzled looks and, eventually, the question “Why?'“ This blog documents our adventures and answers to that “Why” each day we spend in our rural community.


Meet Jeffery “Duke” Lanus. If you are ever passing through, you’ll see his car detailing business just west of the Post Office on Main Street. Most days the cars are lined up, and Duke and his guys are hustling.

I met Duke about two years ago, not long after moving to Woodville. I’d seen him out at his shop, so I took my vehicle down to have it cleaned. Through the years as we’ve seen each other around, we’ve grown to know and respect each other through our conversations.

Duke is passionate about his kids and coaching our county’s youth football teams. He takes care of those who may have some trouble taking care of themselves, and he is always watching out for others.

Today Duke and his team once again made my filthy vehicle look nearly new, and we managed to get in some good conversation about our town’s businesses, leadership, and direction. He was my “Why Woodville?” answer today. He’s always made me feel welcome here.

I can’t say it any other way than this: Duke is #goodpeople. Be sure to patronize his business Personal Touch Auto Spa!



2nd Annual Juneteenth Festival

2nd Annual Juneteenth Festival