

When we told people we were packing up our suburban life near Baton Rouge, Louisiana and moving to Woodville, Mississippi, we were met with blank stares, puzzled looks and, eventually, the question “Why?'“ This blog documents our adventures and answers to that “Why” each day we spend in our rural community.

Water Street Little Free Library

Water Street Little Free Library

When we purchased our home in Woodville two years ago, I immediately applied for a grant from the Little Free Library organization because I knew three things:


1) Reading changes lives.
2) Kids in Woodville needed more access to libraries.
3) I had the perfect spot for a Little Free Library and a bench right along a street where people walk every day.

Three things have happened since then:

1) We got the grant and received this wonderful library and a full set of books to get started!
2) Our public library system has a new director who is injecting new life and better hours into the organization!
3) I've met tons of fantastic kids and adults because of the Water Street Little Free Library!

Now that's what I call an answer to the question, "Why Woodville?"

(Now take your kids to Water Street to get a Goosebumps book before they're all gone. And while you're at it, clean out some gently used books you can bear to part with and bring them on over to the library where others can enjoy them.)

What's Up in Woodville: October 25-31

What's Up in Woodville: October 25-31

What's Up in Woodville: October 18-24

What's Up in Woodville: October 18-24