

When we told people we were packing up our suburban life near Baton Rouge, Louisiana and moving to Woodville, Mississippi, we were met with blank stares, puzzled looks and, eventually, the question “Why?'“ This blog documents our adventures and answers to that “Why” each day we spend in our rural community.

Dairy Day

Dairy Day

Wilkinson County Dairy Day brought the farm to town as Wilkinson County’s 4-H dairy exhibitors showcased prize-winning dairy cattle at the Wilkinson County Co-Op and served homemade ice cream. The morning was part education, part petting zoo, part ice cream parlor, and part community fellowship, but one thing is for certain—there were a WHOLE lot of smiles! Thank you to the following superstars who made this happen:

Steve & Adriene Ashley of Ashley Farms and their daughters & 4-H Exhibitors Millie, Ada, and Savana (current Mississippi 4-H Vice President)

Agent Lionel Brown from Mississippi State University’s Wilkinson County Extension Office (he’s also a professional cattle roper, but shhhh…don’t tell Bossy, Petunia, Clara Belle, and Snickerdoodles!)

Wilkinson County Farmers Co-Op

Mound Exhibit Kickoff

Mound Exhibit Kickoff

Around Town

Around Town