

When we told people we were packing up our suburban life near Baton Rouge, Louisiana and moving to Woodville, Mississippi, we were met with blank stares, puzzled looks and, eventually, the question “Why?'“ This blog documents our adventures and answers to that “Why” each day we spend in our rural community.

Community in Tragedy

Community in Tragedy

Just over a week ago, Wilkinson County School District received a blow--one of their elementary schools caught fire and had substantial damage. I have been so impressed by many people and organizations during this setback:

First, I do not know Ms. Keesha Haynes (see photo of her thoughts) or her role at Finch Elementary, but I was absolutely in awe at her positive spirit and focus on gratitude during such a loss.


Second, Interim Superintendent Chad Bradford and his team worked quickly to develop a plan that would keep educational disruption to a minimum and to communicate to parents with a positive attitude. Finch Elementary students returned to classrooms--without having to combine classrooms!--after only 2 days.

Third, our community has stepped up to offer assistance. From WCCA & Field Health System heading up school supply drives to our churches informing and stressing the need to help our community, I am so thankful to live in a place where I am surrounded by people with big hearts. Even those who have little dig deep during times like these.

"Why Woodville?" some ask. This is why.



What's Up in Woodville: November 1-7

What's Up in Woodville: November 1-7